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Family Enquires

Supporting Children and their Families in the early years of life

Trinity Family support Network is here to help families who have kids in the age range of 0-8. We specialise in the early years of a childs development and helping you find the services you need. Whether you are worried about your child’s speech, social skills or motor skills, we can help you understand what is going on and find the help you need for your children to thrive.


Playgroup is run on a Friday morning and is open to anyone in the community who would like to attend. We do craft, free play and book reading. We have a great friendly community of parents. See this page for more info and to register your interest.

General Support

Are you feeling stuck and don’t know what to do? Give us a call. When can meet in person, over a call and talk about what is going on for you at the moment. We can suggest what might help and where you can go next and help you as you do those things. Being a parent is hard work and knowing what is going on for your child at all times can be impossible, so we are here to help.


We have a number of organisations we are partnered with. Including mediators, a Kid’s Op Shop, standard Op shop, Complete Men and others. Check out our page for more info on these partners.

Building Better Fathers

Trinity Family Support Network is partnered with Complete Men in running an 8 week workshop for fathers. This 8 week workshop includes skills and a group of fathers supporting each other as they grow and learn. See our page for a video of a father and his partner talking about the benefit they received.


We offer general counselling to parents and carer’s for no charge. You just need to have kids in the 0-8yrs age bracket.

Additional help can be found in these directories

These directories can help you find suitable services for the needs you may have.